Above Ground Sand Pump and Filters Systems
Above Ground Sand Filters capture particles down to very small sizes, and does not have a true cut off size below which particles will always pass. The sand filter collects and attract the debris as small as 20 to 40 microns.
In this category we carry two of the best above ground sand filters. Hayward and Waterway. Hayward we carry the individual sand filter tank. And with Waterway we carry the sand filter system including the pump. The Waterway Sand filtration system provides homeowners with everything they need to get their system up and running. Sand filters must be back-washed (running it in reverse) to unload the water waste.
In this category we carry two of the best above ground sand filters. Hayward and Waterway. Hayward we carry the individual sand filter tank. And with Waterway we carry the sand filter system including the pump. The Waterway Sand filtration system provides homeowners with everything they need to get their system up and running. Sand filters must be back-washed (running it in reverse) to unload the water waste.
Above Ground Cartridge Pump and Filters Systems
The cartridge filter and pump pack provide homeowners with everything they need to get their system up and running. It assures them matched components and optimal performance with years of dependable service.
In this category we carry Precision Pool Products and Waterway cartridge filter systems. Above Ground Cartridge Filter Systems has a greater surface area than sand allowing for fewer clogs and easier maintenance. They run at lower pressure than sand which puts less back-pressure on the pump, providing more flow and turnover.Cartridge element filters trap debris as small as 10 to 15 microns.
In this category we carry Precision Pool Products and Waterway cartridge filter systems. Above Ground Cartridge Filter Systems has a greater surface area than sand allowing for fewer clogs and easier maintenance. They run at lower pressure than sand which puts less back-pressure on the pump, providing more flow and turnover.Cartridge element filters trap debris as small as 10 to 15 microns.
Above Ground DE Pump and Filters Systems

The DE filter and pump pack provide homeowners with everything they need to get their system up and running. It assures them matched components and optimal performance with years of dependable service.
In this category we carry the Waterway DE filter systems. Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) is mined and is the fossilized exoskeletons of tiny diatoms. They are used to coat "grids" in the filter housing and act as tiny sieves allowing for the removal of debris as small as 5 microns.
In this category we carry the Waterway DE filter systems. Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) is mined and is the fossilized exoskeletons of tiny diatoms. They are used to coat "grids" in the filter housing and act as tiny sieves allowing for the removal of debris as small as 5 microns.